It's a new name with familiar faces. Gary, Indiana is not just a city anymore – it's the thing you go and watch every other Thursday at Vice Versa. We're back on September 19 along with new member (and former colleague!) Alfid Hadiat, and we can't wait to show you which tricks we picked up in the summer break. Spoiler alert: we mostly chilled, so yeah. But we're excited to be back in the saddle!

We also have a brand spanking new website, which you'll notice has the usual stuff like show times and player descriptions. But there's also two new things to check out: the Gary, Indiana podcast which features talks with improv players for anyone who wants to know more about improv comedy and the people behind it, and something called The Improv Centre.

Right, so, The Improv Centre: members of Gary have long since trained an army of improvisers, and there's never been a central repository for that knowledge until now. Interested? Simply sign up for free and get access! There's also a paid (one euro, baby!) tier. We play our shows for free and will continue to do so, but we know some people would like to contribute a little, and this is a nice way to do so. But for the rest of you: free shows stay free, good times stay good!

Finally, a little shout out to Vice Versa for still being an amazing place to do these shows, and for our continued partnership. Next show, try a craft beer or a cocktail. Trust us. And you thought it was funny sober.

Anyway, that's all for now! Gary, Indiana out!